Working Together to Safeguard Children

Date & Time:

Wednesday 12 February 2025 (9:30 - 4:30) - Please login to join the waiting list

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Virtual Training via Zoom,


Target Audience: 

Anyone working in Kirklees who are either the designated safeguarding person for their organisation or who work in a role with significant contact with children and young people and therefore would make direct referrals to children’s social care in the event of safeguarding concerns.


To improve our ability to work together to safeguard children.
Learning Outcomes, by the end of the course the participants will be able to:

Define what safeguarding is and why they need to work together

Identify when information can be shared in order to safeguard children
Summarise the different levels of intervention that may be required to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
List good practice issues in safeguarding children
Describe the impact of key parental issues on children
Distinguish between an effective and non-effective referral and describe what happens following a referral


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:




01484 225161



Venue Details:

Virtual Training via Zoom,