Reducing Parental Conflict - the role of supervisors and managers


Conflict between parents happens and is a normal process that occurs in all relationships, however, if the conflict is frequent, intense, and poorly resolved, this can have a damaging impact on children. 

Professionals who come into regular contact with children and/or families are well placed to identify, explore, and support those experiencing destructive conflict and reduce this negative impact. By understanding the evidence and research around parental conflict and its impact on child outcomes, professionals are better placed to recognise when parental conflict is an issue for a family and begin thinking about what support they may be able to offer.

As a line manager or supervisor you have a role in supporting your practitioners to implement the models and frameworks that have been covered in thier training. This will ensure that conversations are taking place whenever practitioners become aware of parental conflict to try and resolve it.

This e-learning course is aimed at anyone who line manages frontline practitioners working with children, young people and/or thier families. This course will give you a basic understanding in Parental Conflict and the importance of building Parental Conflict into your everyday management activities and your teams performance discussions is the best way you can take action to ensure better outcomes for everyone affected by Parental Conflict.

Once you have passed this course, you would then be able to access face to face training/action learning sets to develop your networks and support from peers.